Access Docker container volume from filesystem

I've recently been playing around with the Ghost blogging platform and wanted to see how well the docker image worked. The default theme (Casper) looks great and certainly takes simplicity to a new level. I wanted to customize the theme, and as such, the container’s filesystem needed to be mounted on the host machine in order to access the files.

Docker provides Volumes which allows you to do just this. See the command below:

docker run --name=some-ghost -d -p 8100:2368 -v ~/ghost:/var/lib/ghost ghost

–name simply names the container

-p 8100:2368 maps port 8100 to the internal port of the ghost container. You will access the container from your web browser by going to

-v option will create a folder called “ghost” in ~/ and will map this to the /var/lib/ghost directory