Email Notifier (TurkeyBabble) based on subject or from address

We recently wrote a lovely little email notifier application (TurkeyBabble) which plays a specified sound upon receiving a particular email or from a particular address. Your email client will notify you with a sound for all emails received, whereas TurkeyBabble will notify you when a particular email is received or when an email from a particular email address or domain is received as well as different notification sounds for different email addresses. We are able and willing to customize this application to notify you in any way you choose. Situations where you could use this:

  • You run a business in a different time zone and would like to be alerted and woken up when particular emails are received
  • You  only want to be alerted about certain emails
  • You only want to be alerted when emails are received from a certain addresses
  • You would like different alerts for different email addresses


  • Plays sound upon match (optional)
  • Notification in tray area (optional)
  • Plays different sounds / music (which you choose) for each email address you would like to check
  • Has support for SSL connections
  • Runs in the background
  • We can completely customize the software for you

If you’re interested, fill out the form here and we’ll get back to you ?

Cheerio ?
