Get CSF and Docker working together

Although CSF has built in functionality to work with Docker, this is definitely not sufficient if you have multiple Docker containers and bridges. The other problem is that Docker manages iptables which conflicts with CSF managing iptables. There are a few guides and git repos out there which attempt to solve the problem, but they’re mostly outdated and do not work. After many hours of tinkering, we have finally put a dynamic solution in place which will get CSF and Docker working well together. By “working well together” we mean that ports blocked in csf.conf will actually be blocked and not allow access to the docker container(s) on these ports.

There are a couple of steps involved:

  1. Disallow Docker from being able to manage iptables.
  2. Paste dynamic script in

Step 1 – Disallow iptables management in Docker

nano /etc/docker/daemon.json

Paste the following:

    "iptables": false

Restart Docker:

systemctl restart docker

Step 2 – Implement

nano /usr/local/csf/bin/

Paste the following:


# Get all bridge network names from Docker
docker_bridge_ids=$(docker network ls --filter driver=bridge --format "{{.ID}}")


echo "[DOCKER] Setting up FW rules."

iptables -N DOCKER


echo "[DOCKER] Done running"


# Template segment for each bridge-subnet pair
# Masquerade outbound connections from containers
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s {subnet} ! -o {bridge} -j MASQUERADE

# Accept established connections to the docker containers
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -o {bridge} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Allow docker containers to communicate with themselves & outside world
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i {bridge} ! -o {bridge} -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i {bridge} -o {bridge} -j ACCEPT

# Loop through each network ID and inspect it
for id in $docker_bridge_ids; do
    # Extract the bridge name (network interface) using docker network inspect
    bridge_name=$(docker network inspect $id --format '{{ index .Options "" }}')
    # Check if the bridge name is not empty
    if [ -n "$bridge_name" ]; then
        # Fallback to default bridge naming convention if custom name isn't set
    subnet=$(docker network inspect $id --format '{{(index .IPAM.Config 0).Subnet}}')
    # Substitute the bridge and subnet into the template segment
    if [ -n "$subnet" ]; then
        output_body+="$(echo "$template_segment" | sed "s|{subnet}|$subnet|g" | sed "s|{bridge}|$bridge_name|g")"

# Combine header, dynamic body, and footer

# Write the output to
eval "$output"

The script basically gets a list of IP subnets for each Docker bridge, and creates the following iptables rules:

  • Masquerade outbound connections from containers
  • Accept established connections to the docker containers
  • Allow docker containers to communicate with themselves & outside world

Add execute permissions:

chmod +x /usr/local/csf/bin/

Restart CSF:

csf -r