Edit the alt_php.ini file for user
cagefsctl -e USER
When inside CageFS for the user then run the following:
nano /opt/alt/phpXX/link/conf/alt_php.ini
Add the following to this file:
The above can be pasted between the following two lines:
;>=== Start of PHP Selector Custom Options ===
;<=== End of PHP Selector Custom Options =====
Next, exit CageFS for the user:
Edit the alt_phpxx.cfg
nano /home/USER/.cl.selector/alt_phpxx.cfg
This is necessary to ensure it has the same limits as the alt_php.ini otherwise the alt_php.ini of the user inside CageFS will be overwritten
Rebuild alt-php-ini
cagefsctl --rebuild-alt-php-ini
To enable higher post_max_size for the whole server, simply add more sizes under post_max_size here:
nano /etc/cl.selector/php.conf