A Modular Java 9 Is Due This September

According to Infoworld, the upcoming version of Java will feature modularity. However controversial, this feature will offer scalability benefits.

A 24-0 vote by the Java Community Process Executive Committee has secured the modularity feature for this upcoming update. Previously, a similar vote to gain modularity had failed with a 13-0 outcome, Several members abstained or voted against is stating the plan would prove disruptive and a working consensus couldn’t be met.

One of the members who had previously been opposed to the proposal, Red Hat, chose to abstain this round of voting altogether just so the release could continue on schedule. According to Red Hat, key in determining where further changes would be needed would be to gain insight from real-world feedback systems.

Members who cast their vote in favour of modularity include Hazelcast, IBM, The Eclipse Foundation and Twitter after having previously been opposed to it.
The new release date was then pushed to 21 September for the Java Development Kit 9.

Do you feel modularity will be a welcome experience to have in Java or is the politics of the vote a challenge to the cause? Share your thoughts in the section provided below. Thank you for visiting Base64!